Breaking the Kill Chain
Breaking The Kill Chain: A Defensive Approach - YouTube
- Reconnaissance
- Goal: Find a weakness to exploit
- Two kinds of reconnaissance
- Passive
- Arin registation
- Shodan
- Job Listing
- Company Website
- Active
- Port Scanning
- Banner Grabbing
- Vulnerability Scanners
- Passive
- Protection
- Passive
- Limit public information
- Educate employees of acceptable social media use
- Removing some error messages from public services
- Active
- Disable unused ports/services
- Honepots
- Firewalls
- Tor and 3rd Party VPN inbound blocking
- Passive
- Weaponization
- Goal: Find or create the attack to exploit the weakness
- Common tools
- Cain and Abel
- SQLMap
- Aircrack
- Maltegowebapp
- Metasploit
- Exploit-DB
- Veil Framework
- Social Engineering Toolkit
- Wapiti
- Burpsuit
- Fratrat
- Defensive Measures
- Administrative controls
- Patch management
- Most breaches are caused by known vulnerabilities
- Disable common vectors
- Office Macros, Javascript, Browser Plugins, etc.
- Patch management
- Technical Controls
- Antivirus, IPS, email security, MFA, audit logging, etc.
- Administrative controls
- Delivery
- Exploitation
- Installation
- Command and Control
- Actions on Objective