Installing a Windows VM on Linux
I will eventually create a guide for this, as well as how to connect to a Windows VM with Remmina over SSH (which is more relevant for a Proxmox-hosted VM) or Spice[1] if you're running it locally, but for now, here's a great series of guides from which cover just about everything you need, along with various other guides discussing GPU Passthrough (for gaming, software development, etc.)
- How Do I Properly Install KVM on Linux (2024)
- How to Properly Install a Windows 11 Virtual Machine on KVM
- Configuring a GPU passthrough
If you want to improve the power efficiency of the VM and cut bloat/telemetry/etc., you can run run one of several debloat scripts at the time of Windows 11 installation. Running these scripts after installation can sometimes cause issues with removing apps, preferences, or dependencies you want to keep.
WARNING: I am not endorsing the use of the scripts below. I advocate making a copy of your VM files before running the scripts to reduce effort in case you need to restore.
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 5 for Windows 11
GitHub - n1snt/Windows-Debloater
Which I discuss in 01-BHIS-SOCC-lab-LinuxHostConfig if you're impatient. ↩︎