

netstat Windows Commands

  1. netstat
    1. -naob
      2. a - displays all active TCP and connections and TCP/UDP ports
      3. n - displays active TCP connectives, expressed numerically, no attempt to determine name
      4. o - displays active TCP connections with their PID
      5. b - displays the executable involved
      1. NOTE: The executable is listed after all the connection it's made
      2. Day 2-4.png
      3. NOTE: On macOS, b reports the total bytes in the traffic
    2. -f
      1. Windows specific; shows FQDN, may need to be run multiple times
      2. Can be helpful in identifying services that don't resolve to a FQDN, and are suspicious
      3. However, also takes longer to run, so not necessarily helpful for broad traffic filtering



netstat - Wikipedia

