S00 - Course Overview

Getting Started with Wireshark: The Ultimate Hands-On Course | Udemy

This was an excellent course from Chris Greer that broadly introduced its students to Wireshark and packet capture.

I got it on sale[1], and completed the course over a few days.

After passing the CCNA, I hadn't really had much of an opportunity to apply the theory I'd learned. This course was a great way to get started with the Wireshark interface, inspect real PCAPs and see how traffic looks and moves.

The Wireshark profile you build during the course is more targeted towards Network Engineers, and is pretty different from what you configure at malware-traffic-analysis.net, but it's a good starting point.

Also, these notes were originally taken when I was using my CCNA Definitions vault, so some of the links (like to TCP and Packets) will take you to CCNA Definitions instead of another page on this site. I've tried to catch everything, but if I missed something... sorry!

  1. (NEVER buy a Udemy course full price; they go on sale at least once a month ↩︎