Parse those log files to figure out what's happening
Learning Bash is critical
John Strand recommended a book, but I missed it, and can't be arsed to find it in the video. It maybe the Amazon link, but anyway, here are some sources to get started:
It's the OS that's in basically everything, so get used to it.
It comes in a variety of distributions or "distros"
Don't get distracted with the distros
Most of them are built on a core version (like Debian or Arch) and have various quality-of-life or customization features added (like Ubuntu, Mint, SteamOS, or Kali.)
There are many Unix-like OS's, like Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD
They often function similarly, but will have different command structures for the same task, like app installation or network interface configuration
Users and privileges
Becoming SU
sudo su -
This changes the terminal environment from running as user AS root, to actually BEING root
Resources if you get lost
WHEN IN DOUBT: You can always learn about a command with by running man <command>, like man pwd