SOCC06 - Egress Traffic Analysis
Egress Traffic Analysis
- Need for visibility
- DLP (Data Loss Prevention) tools are great, but they're only helpful where they are applied
- Attackers bypass DLP/etc., so we need overlapping visibility
- Like Guarding the front door while leaving a window open
- Things to looks for
- Outliers and anomalous activity
- What only happens on one machine?
- Beacons
- Tons of short connections from a single client to a remote server
- Long Tail
- On a histogram of connection events, there is a single column that stands out far above the rest
- Traffic Monitoring Tools and NDR-adjacent solutions
- Network Detection and Response (NDR) tools are designed to analyze live traffic, detect anomalies, and respond to threats
- While there aren't many FOSS tools that are strictly NDR, tools like SIEMs, NIDS/IPS, and XDR have overlapping features
- Netflow
- Created by Cisco
- Quickly became a standard, but spawned a ton of other variations that are slightly different
- Zeek
- Fast
- Large user base, lots of support, free
- Consistency
- RITA - Real Intelligence Threat Analytics
- Free
- Finds patterns in network traffic
- Looks for beacons
- Analyzing traffic
- It aggregates connections together and identifies unusual activity
- e.g. IP X beaconed to IP Y X number of times
- Corelight: Evidence-Based NDR and Threat Hunting Platform
- Home Sense is free Corelight@Home: Who’s Your Fridge Talking to at Night? | Corelight
- Security Onion
- When I tried to deploy this at home, I ran into problems because my hypervisor had a faulty NIC and I didn't have enough ports; I need to try again
- Wazuh
- More of an EDR solution than a SIEM according to John Strand